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Exam Time now changes and gives you the ...


GoConqr Welcome!


.. Your new axis of online learning.

GoConqr philosophy is based on the concept of learning as a continuous process-oriented and self-improvement.

The purpose of education is not simply pass examinations but to understand how to learn in order to apply that knowledge to your academic or professional career.

With GoConqr, it has developed an innovative method for you you optimize your learning process.

Our platform makes learning an active process and a positive experience for every student who engage in it. No matter what your learning challenge. 

In GoConqr might teachers and students around the world have free access to tools that enable the use of teaching methodologies whose results have been highlighted in numerous studies, such as the use of mental maps, assessment of knowledge, learning collaborative and active or even student assessment.

The learning progress can be monitored from the point of view of teachers and students to monitor performance and adjust strategy and based on these results.

i miss you - Sade
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